Tuesday, 6 September 2016

More natural supplements...........

I received a mail from my dear friend Alison last night, she sent the link below. It covers the Lancet report, carried out by Cancer Research UK and Public Health England ������.and dare I say, it concludes the article with my favored and preferred alternative treatment.

I told Alison that I very much appreciate her mail and the link, particularly as I am aware that some of our �cancer� friends, are terribly worried about me �opting out�. Don�t be worried! I will be, I am,  fine, in fact I am great. The only link / reminder to cancer I have, is my bald / fluffy bald head!

We planted two Moringa trees yesterday! This will hopefully aid to strengthening my immune system. Quite fascinating, what you can learn. Nature is truly amazing.

I am trying to order a Sambung Nyawa tree. ( the translation from Malaysian mean: 'Expand life'.
The garden centres here have not heard of it, I will therefore try to buy some seeds via the internet.

There is a long list  of health benefits, but I will be using the leaves to fight cancer. ( now all 'medically minded' people who are reading this, don't write me off just yet. You never know this might just work)

I nearly forgot about my blood test today, ready for Herceptin tomorrow. I have still not made up my mind if I will have 6 or 12 months treatment. Need to read up and talk to more people.

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