I call this the �red car theory�. You buy a red car and suddenly the roads seems filled with red cars, it seems to the only colour you notice.
Well in a somewhat similar way, I feel like this about alternative treatment. Since I first started to look into this vast subject of �alternative therapy�, apart from it snowballing, I seem to come across more and more that supports my thinking and approach, but also notice that there appears to be more coverage in the media.
How long will the pharmaceutical companies manage to stifle anyone who can prove that other treatments actually cure cancer?
I am not poo pooing ( not sure how you spell this), traditional medicine and for many no doubt it is the solution. However, if there are so many natural remedies, then why are authorities trying to stop them from being developed, sold, cultivated, their results published? Why not offer both? Why can�t one run alongside the other, officially?
If sugar fuels cancer cells, then why does not doctor, no oncologist tell a cancer patient to simply cut out all sugar from their diet?
If for example the Muringa tree ( I eat three leaves each day now) is one of the most nutritious plants you can get / eat / consume, then why is this not publicly advertised?
If Apricot stones ( ok they don�t taste to nice, a little bitter) are one of the best ways of strengthening the immune system, then why do most people not know about it?
If Bi-carbonate soda is believed to kill cancer cells, then why is this not advertised on TV alongside the Nurofen ads?
I won�t go into too much detail of the benefits of Cannabis oil (I am not talking about smoking it), as the list is too long to mention.
I can only conclude it boils down to money!
If I believe the latest report I read, then Mammograms cause cancer!? Imagine if this is correct, just for a second, would that answer the question as to why Breast cancer is on the increase? I do remember 18 months ago, I had my government mammogram, as I am over the tender age of 50. It was by far the most singularly painful experience in my life. It made child birth feel like a walk in the park. For any men reading this, imagine putting your nearest dearest cherish friend on a slap of wood and somebody crashed down on it with a sledge hammer. That, is what the �pancake mammogram� ( not my description) felt like. If this is true, I suffered the pain for nothing and if anything it might just have kick started my breast cancer������..
If I believe the latest report I read, then Mammograms cause cancer!? Imagine if this is correct, just for a second, would that answer the question as to why Breast cancer is on the increase? I do remember 18 months ago, I had my government mammogram, as I am over the tender age of 50. It was by far the most singularly painful experience in my life. It made child birth feel like a walk in the park. For any men reading this, imagine putting your nearest dearest cherish friend on a slap of wood and somebody crashed down on it with a sledge hammer. That, is what the �pancake mammogram� ( not my description) felt like. If this is true, I suffered the pain for nothing and if anything it might just have kick started my breast cancer������..
Episode 1: The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly
(Go here to watch now)
Episode 2: Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils
(Go here to watch now)
On a wonderful superficial positive note�������. I know it is terribly superficial, but humor me, I want to go back to feeling normal again and part of feeling �normal again�, is to have some hair on my head!
Well, this is how I first noticed that clearly my �hair� started to grow again, with sheer horror, I noticed a black hair above my top lip!!!!!!!!!!!! What is this all about, I never had a hair on my lip before and quite honestly, the only place I want some hair is guess where�����..on my HEAD!
Thankfully a couple of days, after I ripped the stray hair off my top lip, I noticed some happenings on my head. Hallelujah, I have spotted �baby fluff�. I don�t much care for the colour, which appears to be black and white, much like my approach to life, but come on, I want blond back. I guess I am ungrateful, any colour should do. ( BTW, you need to look really closely to spot the 'baby fluff'!)
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