Tuesday, 6 December 2016

The million dollar question............

Do I or don't I continue with Herceptin?

I am due to have the next session tomorrow and I have not decided yet.
The blood test came back as fine.
The X-Ray on the lungs is tomorrow morning, before the Herceptin.
The heart scan I had yesterday and this is the worrying bit really.

The oncologist and the cardiologist don't understand why I am so short of breath from doing nothing.
Apparently my pulse is 'dangerously low' ( 40) when 60-100 is normal. But, neither know, why.

The cardiologist wants to do a stress test next week. The words were, ' I am not happy with your low pulse rate and we need to carry out a stress test, to see if you pulse get quicker if / when you  exert yourself a little. If it doesn't then one of the solutions would be to fit a pace maker.

Did I hear this correctly. I had chemo, with the known side effect of heart failure, which I discontinued after the first session. I then started Herceptin, which is meant to last 12 months until August 2017, with the known side effect of heart failure.
I am out of breath, unable to walk up a flight of steps without having to stop half way through, have a dangerously low pulse and the doctors think it is fine to talk about a pace maker??

It must be me, surely it would make more sense to stop Herceptin. My heart was just fine prior to starting this chemo / chemical trip, and now it is clearly not.

It would be my luck, to get rid of cancer and then die of a heart attack. Just classic!

I will decide tomorrow afternoon after my lung x-ray..................

In the meantime, I am cold! I just don't seem to get warm, and Robbie's woolly hat is on my head, literally day and night. I have given up on the wigs, they are not designed to be worn in winter. Any collar of any jacket or scarf pushes my wig over my forehead, just resting above my eyes. Not a sexy, workable look.

I heard that Chemo changes your hair, but I had not realised that this also concerns the colour.
I have never had black hair ( not to mention all the grey) in my life before. Not keen on that one either.
Although I should not complain, it has started to grow at least.

Maybe the colour will change when it gets longer. ( we can but hope!)

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