The words of my oncologist and if I am honest, I don�t blame him for saying this.
I was supposed to have Herceptin today, but didn�t.
Usually when the oncologist asks me how I am , I tend to say �fine�. ( apart from that tiny little thing called �cancer�)
Today, I answered truthfully and listed my �symptoms� ( freezing all the time, with a few sweat outbreaks. Can�t really refer to is as a hot flushes, as this is worse and not very pleasant, out of breath, just from talking, let alone walking, no appetite and generally not feeling great. I was so much better during the summer)
This left me with a prescription for a lung scan, heart scan, blood test and x-ray. The x-ray was the compromise, as the oncologist wanted me to have a CT scan. I explained that I could not see any logic in pumping me full of radioactive stuff in order to carry out the scan to see if I have any cancer cells, when my immune system is on the floor. Surely that is likely to kick if all of again? He did not disagree, smiled , shrugged his shoulders and quite rightly said, that this was the only way to find out. So we settled on a x-ray for now. I am happy to have the radioactive scan next August, when I have finished Herceptin, if I do.
That, I figure will also give me time to blast my body with all alternative treatment I can get my hands on.
A wasted day, of hanging around��������� , but I guess better this, then take the risk, ( words of the oncologist) by having more Herceptin pumped into my veins, without knowing why I am feeling how I am. According to him, he does not think that any of the symptoms are related to Herceptin.
Well, we will see. A few busy days ahead to get this all organised now.
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