Thursday, 27 October 2016

FDA...........judge and jury?!

If anyone reading my blog over the coming month, has not picked up that I am appalled by the FDA  ( UK equivalent, 'The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency - MHRA) and their attitude and approach to anybody offering alternative therapy with regards to cancer treatment, then I am happy to make that point again.

I and many other cancer patients, do not have the freedom to chose whatever treatment we are happy with. Some brave people / doctors  around the world, who are trying to offer alternative treatment, are targeted by governments all over the world, are put on trial, are fined and their patients medical records are removed by the authorities.

It is a bullying money making industry, with very little care for the patients. An industry that makes money unscrupulously without caring about the fate of the patients.

Below two, ( of hundreds of) videos on UTube supporting what I am saying. Dr. Burzynski, a brave man who is trying to continue offering cancer treatment and care, despite the government taking him to court...........

( Thank you Dan for finding this info, which I can't take credit for)

Wednesday, 26 October 2016


has never been on of my strong points.

The Cellumed High Clinic told me that they would not be able to treat me ( Nonothermia) now. I need to wait at least 6 months from the date of the operation. This take me to January. I guess something to look forward to. ( or not! ) On a positive note, that give me more time to research.
'Google' is my middle name!!!

In addition to me continuing to search for new alternative therapies, I am also reading up a lot on what else toxifies  ( not sure if this is English, I know what I mean) your body.
Never before have I spent a second reading the ingredients in my tooth paste, or face cream, body cream, perfume etc.  Well I have started to and am horrified to see what is added into all these products.
I had heard that deodorants with Aluminium ( most of them), can cause cancer and have had spells in the past, where I used these 'sticks'. Salt sticks, which you need to hold under running water and then use under your arms. Whilst they do work, in the winter I stopped using them, as I did not like the cold water under my armpit first thing in the morning. Maybe that was my mistake:

Aluminium (aluminum) salts frequently used in many industrial compounds like antiperspirants, skin care products, vaccines, ant-acids and food additives could well be carcinogenic and implicated in breast cancer, according to Swiss scientists presenting their research in the International Journal of Cancer (Sept 2016).
Stefano J. Mandriota and Andr�-Pascal Sappino from the Laboratoire de
Canc�rogen�se Environnementale were concerned that there had never really been any hard evidence that aluminium compounds caused cancer. So, using aluminium chloride, they injected mice at levels equivalent to those already found in women with breast cancer. They also used three levels of immune-impaired mice.

In the two groups of mice that had the worst immune systems there was clear evidence of tumour growth and metastases. They then repeated the experiments in vitro and found tumour growth and metastases in breast tissue for all three levels of immunity.
Their conclusions? For the first time we have proven that the level of aluminium found it breast tissue that is cancerous can be causal

Thank you Nigel and Linda for the hat! It is perfect!!!!

Thursday, 20 October 2016

More options

True to Spanish form, it took some days for me to receive a reply from the Cellumed High Clinic in Estepona. 

A clinic dealing with alternative treatment for cancer patients. I have in the past read a lot about Hyperthermia and have been looking for a clinic in Spain who offer this therapy. Huffeland in German were offering it, which is how I first learned about it.
According to research and publication on the success rate, this treatment seems to be very positive, highly effective, with no side effects or long term effects, like Chemo.

What is hyperthermia?Hyperthermia (also called thermal therapy or thermotherapy) is a type of cancer treatment in which body tissue is exposed to high temperatures (up to 113�F). Research has shown that high temperatures can damage and kill cancer cells, usually with minimal injury to normal tissues (1). By killing cancer cells and damaging proteins and structures within cells (2), hyperthermia may shrink tumors.

The Cellumed High Clinic offer 'Nanothermia', which is very similar and having watched a UTUBE video, :  - I am going to make an appointment to meet with the doctor. Logically it makes sense and I can see why this therapy should / could work. As I have nothing to lose ( other than money! No idea what this will cost), I am keen to give it a go. Not that I am looking forward to being heated up like a fried hamburger, but, if it kills cancer cells ( which according to the other clinic, Budwig Centre, I might have in my liver and pancreas, which incidentally I simply refuse to believe), then let's switch this machine on and fry these suckers dead!

On another note, I have found an ingenious way ( at least I think so) to taking the vile tasting CB oil.
Take a paracetamol in your hand (solvable capsule), gently pull the tablet apart and let the medical content wash down the sink, then fill it ( not totally, too much, don't want to be dizzy and nauseous, and then take with glass of water! Bingo, no vile taste, no after taste and the same result.

4th Herceptin day!

I could not sleep last night and spent the night, 'solving problems�, 'thinking', 'making mental lists' of what I need to do, yet, this morning, I don't remember much of the 'solutions'.

I do remember one thought, (frightening whats going on in my head). I am writing this whilst sitting in the waiting room, surrounded by people who are having chemo. Strange seeing all these 'sick' people. There is s lady in reception just sobbing her heart out. I wonder what blow has just been delivered to her. ( no doubt in a 'friendly, direct, un-empathetic' bedside manner , I have  previously had the pleasure of experiencing). My heart goes out to the poor woman. Her world has clearly just collapsed. I look at each one here waiting in waiting room and wonder what their story is...... I surprise myself as I notice that I don�t see myself as �one of them�.  Maybe I am still after all these months in denial, but as far as I am concerned I am not ill, I no longer have cancer, I am here to suffer through 12 months� worth of Herceptin, that is all.

Back to my 'rather superficial , actually unimportant  ' thoughts.  Isnt it strange how when men lose their hair with age ( well it seems to happen more to men, dont you think? ) , they lose it on their head. Not their legs, chest, ears, neck and other areas. Why? Is the hair on our heads do much weaker or is there a medical scientific reason for this.  When my hair started to fall out, my head ( hair on my head) was the last to fall out. Now, ( clearly we have some kind of positive development) if is growing back everywhere I dont want it and were I want it ( my huge bald head) , it seems to be the slowest. I know!!!, who cares? I just wondered.... this is what happens when I can�t sleep.
That shows how effective the CB oil is, even if taken only to sleep. I did not take any last night as I had to be up early for blood test and heart scan before the next Herceptin session now.

The oncologist is pushing me to have Herceptin for one year, and maybe I was dreaming, in my  mind I had worked on 12 session on Herceptin every 3 weeks, would have meant 36 weeks of this, but according to the oncologist yesterday, he is talking about 17 sessions. I am not happy. When I asked again about exercise, he was clear in that the only exercise I should be doing is. �walking�. Give me a break!!! Walking!!!  I have had 4 sessions now, which leaves another 13 sessions, 39 weeks! My muscles will shrivel up like prunes, I end up looking like �Madge� from �Benidorm.  
According to the oncologist, who spend some time studying my heart scan I have earlier today, my heart has slightly expanded, which is to be expected as it is one of the side effects of Herceptin. �Nothing to worry about� though at this stage. Well that�s all right then!

When I asked him to refer me for a PET scan following the diagnoses of the Budwig Centre, he refused and explained, that with the side effects of Herceptin and the radio active liquid I would have to swallow, the risk of heart failure is too great. The earliest I could have the PET scan would be 6 weeks after my final Herceptin session.
Am I the only one who can�t get her head around the fact, that �medication� can cause death!?

 Robbie, I missed your singing today!!!

Friday, 14 October 2016

Not sure I believe I everything I come across..........

I have been thinking...............

One of the things I have taken on board since I was diagnosed with cancer, is to 'listen to my body'.
Klaus, who I met in Mallorca , the spiritual healer, felt strongly about people listening to their gut. He believes that modern life and the influence via people, the media etc, conditions people to behave in a ways they believe they need to in order to fit in.............. ( It is much deeper than that, but for the purpose of what I am about to say, it summarises it nicely)

If I therefore listen to my gut, then I am not sure I will go back to the Budwig Centre. Why?

So far I have spent a small fortune on hundreds of homeopathic tablets to be taken prior to getting up the morning, whilst getting up, once up, prior to breakfast, during breakfast, past breakfast and so on..........
Too much time is spent every day, checking my long list of 'which tablet to I take next'.
Following the Vega test, where I was told that they detected 'tumor activity' in my pancreas and liver, they also confirmed that I was allergic to red wine, mild, coffee and prawns. News to me. I have never had any side effects from any food I have ever eaten. ( wish I was allergic, then at least I would lose some weight!)

For this reason, I have decided to have a scan next week, to check my liver and pancreas, If anything shows up on the scan, then I will have a PET scan. That would then confirm what is going on inside me.
I prefer not to have a PET scan, ( hence a normal scan first), due to the radiation risk. ( it involves injecting or swallowing a radioactive 'tracer' - brilliant, as if I am not toxic enough)
Not sure how much Chemo poison is still swishing around my body, therefore I prefer not to add any other toxins to the mix.

I did not feel that the clinic really deal with people as individuals. Jan also brought his son to the clinic and from what I hear, he is taking the same tablets as I have been prescribed. I struggle in my head to understand how this would be effective for both of us. Jan's son is 13 years old and has cancer in the bone, with the tumor still in his leg until the operation in 10 days time, I am ancient and have breast cancer, the tumor apparently removed, my lymph nodes clean. So why are we taking the same tablets?

I should have asked them, but didn't............. and, as I mentioned previously, if they prognosis is correct and I have tumor activity in two other parts in my body, then no doubt I will think that they are simply brilliant in the clinic. I should know more next week.

Despite the number of advantages that PET imaging contains, it also has a number of disadvantages that include:
  • PET scan risks caused by the radioactive component used during this procedure. Although the radioactive compounds used in PET imaging are short-lived and the equivalent of 2 x-rays, the radioactive substance may not be suitable for patients who are pregnant, suspect that they are pregnant, or are breast feeding.
  • The radioactive components used in PET imaging will not persist for long periods in a patient�s body, however, the radioactive exposure in PET imaging means that there is only a limited amount of times a patient can undergo this procedure.
  • A relatively new medical procedure, PET imaging is expensive with an average cost ranging between $900 and $1400.
  • As PET scans require cyclotrons, an expensive machine that creates the radioisotopes that are used in the radioactive tracers required for PET imaging, PET scans are not offered in the majority of medical centers in the world. Consequently, it is a difficult treatment to receive.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Minor melt down............

Last week Geoff and I were invited to a new office opening, of one of our collaborating partners, in Malaga. 
Nothing wrong with that�.. potentially an interesting evening��.. well,����  

Surrounded by many smart looking people, I felt totally out of it. Maybe I am not ready to throw myself �back in�. I honestly was doubting it that evening. I can safely say, I felt like the big elephant in the room. I felt twice the size, I felt everyone was staring at me (which I am sure they didn�t, but that is how I felt), I was having hot flushes, only I did not have the confidence to whip the wig of my head. I need to add that the wig makes me sweat, like a ����� very sweaty person!!! 

It is fascinating, ( at least I think so), how being bald has affected me. Ridiculous I know, but hey. Let's see how long this will last for.

I started work again this week, as Kyla and Dan are on honey moon and have to say, apart from being tired, it is great to get involved again. All appointments have to be scheduled in from 13.00pm onwards though, as the Cannabis oil, knocks me out for 15 hours easily. There is no way, I could get up any earlier and function. 

I did grab Geoff's 'magic machine', switched it onto 'level 1' and shaved my head a week ago.
On closer inspection, what was growing on my head could not be described as 'hair', but more as 'soft, flopping over, wispy, white strands of something'. I figured I would do, what I did to my kids when they were very young. Shave the stuff off and hope something more sturdier will replace it. 

I was told recently that I look like Harry Hill. Whilst I don't wear large collars on my shirts the way he does, I can see a similarity. For now! ( if you look real closely, you might be able to spot the 'hair' coming through. I am not impressed with the 'salt and pepper' look though!

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Menus ..................

Debbie sent me a great recipe which includes Tumeric and ginger. Thank you Debbie!! I will try it out on Geoff later.

Yesterday I touched on Tumeric and it's healing power, as well as 'Linseed oil', the Budwig diet.

I now add Bee Pollen. I mix it in with the Linseed oil and Quark, but I am sure you can use it in yogurts easily.
I did mention to Geoff, that maybe apart from my chickens, we should look at keeping bees.............

Amazing when you look at the benefits:

One of Nature's Most Perfect Foods
The amazing bee has provided us with a beneficial natural food supplement. Long ago the Greeks and Romans called natural bee pollen "the life-giving dust" or the secret "ambrosia" eaten to acquire eternal youth. Pollen was entombed with pharaohs, it was used by the American Indians, and for centuries by tribes in China. In our modern times, scientists, gerontologists and nutritionists have rediscovered these bee-prepared foods and confirmed that they are able to promote benefits in the form of healing and rejuvenation. Some nutritionists state that you could live adequately on bee pollen alone. Science shows that bee pollen, that wondrous yet mysterious nectar, has natural rejuvenating powers, aids beauty, boosts energy, extends life span, fights allergies (and possibly even cancer) and relieves digestive disorders. Bee pollen bursts with easily-assimilated protein and lecithin, which nourish the brain and nervous system.

Food fit for the Queen!
Beehive foods are superior food sources. Based on its research, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has stated that bee pollen is the most nutritious food we can eat. It contains every nutrient required to sustain and support life in a pure, raw and unaltered form. Bee products can provide support for almost any ailment or desired health enhancement. One of the real appealing characters of the hive, besides the bees themselves, is bee pollen. This miracle is considered to contain every chemical substance needed to maintain life, nourish, rejuvenate and heal, and nobody proves it better than the queen bee. How a single bee can reign totally supreme in a community of thousands? Being the sole female, responsible for laying 2,000 eggs daily and living forty times longer than the worker bees, the queen bee is by far the most amazing testament to bee pollen. No wonder it is considered a complete food, a great supplement to build the immune system and provide energy for the entire body!
Dr. S.Seradj, D.O.M., C.A.
Digestion and Circulation
Bee pollen is known to be an accelerator of human growth. It regulates the action of the intestinal functions, especially in cases of chronic constipation or diarrhea, which have been resistant to antibiotic treatment. Pollen self-digests and aids the digestion of other foods. A natural occurrence with bee pollen is weight control. Taken into your digestive system, there is a speedy combustion, which makes fats burn faster and increases the rate of burned calories.
Detoxification and Immunity
Bee pollen is used as an immune system builder, has the ability to correct body chemistry and eliminate unhealthy conditions. European physicians note that people with an alcohol problem, when treated with pollen, show great reduction in alcohol cravings. Young people who want to get off heavy drugs go through minimal or no withdrawal when treated with bee pollen. It also has the ability to throw off poisons and toxic materials from the body.
Tests Show Improvements
In France and Poland some doctors have added pollen to children's and adult's diets and observed that, after a few days, all the people felt better and their blood analysis showed an improvement, especially anemic children. Pollen has been used for curing some ailments of our nervous system. After a week, people who take it become less nervous, more optimistic, are more eager to work, and depression disappears. It has also been known to help relieve diabetic symptoms. Doctors have obtained good results. In one test, 32g of pollen daily taken for 2 weeks lowered the amount of sugar in 1 liter of urine by 41.8 g. Dr. Chauvia and Dr. Lenormand say that pollen also contains an antibiotic similar to penicillin and is able to inhibit the development of some microorganisms such as Salmonella.
Help in Middle Age
Doctors have made another discovery, but they are not able to explain it entirely. Men who start eating 15g (1 tbsp.) of pollen daily when they are around 40-45 years old do not have any problem with their prostate gland. Current prostate problems can often be eliminated using pollen (including patients scheduled for surgery). Pollen for potency: It helps with the ability to perform the sexual act and the procreative capacity in cases of barenness and impotency. It is good for men over 40 and for menopausal women.

Help for Seniors
Pollen is very effective with seniors who do not have the appetite to maintain a healthy diet. All minerals in bee pollen are present in a highly digestible and organic form necessary for the digestion of many foods, functioning of glands, organs and nerves, and the balancing of blood, lymph, and aqueous and general metabolism system. Pollen also contains active antibiotic substances, which destroy bacteria on contact. Bee pollen is useful in cases of stress and nervous endocrine system disorders due to its high content of natural B Vitamins. Bee pollen increases energy and mental alertness and is believed to slow down the aging process.

Fighting Disease
By increasing the body's healing power, the body can help build resistance to disease. It has been successfully used with allergies, asthma, chronic rheumatism, colitis, arteriosclerosis, insomnia, depression, failing memory, hay fever, to normalize intestinal activity, to lower cholesterol levels and stimulate appetite, lower high blood pressure, offset the effects of drugs and pollutants, anaemic conditions and attention deficit. It is especially useful in times of pregnancy, lactation and intensive physical or mental work. It maintains the high levels of energy required to keep up with hectic schedules, deadlines or long hours. Pollen brings back vitality without the dangers of artificial stimulants like caffeine, ephedra or quarana and can be taken safely at any time. It is a natural product, admirably tolerated, and compatible with other therapies. Bee pollen is a powerful food supplement for children, growing teens, and adults of all ages. Bee pollen is the only natural food that contains almost all of the 22 elements of which the human body is composed. Today, more than ten thousand tons of bee pollen is consumed as food or medicine all over the world every year! Everyone can benefit from taking Bee pollen!

How to take Bee Pollen
Adults: Start with 1 tsp. in the morning (1/2 hour before breakfast) followed with some water, juice or milk. Increase your intake every day by a few grains until reaching 2 tsp. a day (10 ml). For normal daily intakeYou may take up to 1 tbsp. (15 ml) daily.
Children: Start from 3 grains, increasing by 2 grains every few days until reaching 1/2 tsp. a day. You may mix pollen with raw honey and eat it, or dilute it in a liquid at room temperature.
Special notes: In cases of special need, please contact Ewa Spenst, representative of Environ Bee at the address below. If you are severely allergic to bee stings, follow the amount indicated for children or contact your physician for his/her opinion.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Not enough time to eat it all...............

The more I read and talk to people, the more I realise that there is not one cure for cancer. There are hundreds�������..
To break it down,  there are some fundamental ways of curing cancer and of course avoiding it.
I see cancer like a red traffic light ( although I have been known to jump lights������ there was no traffic at the time��..), the red light signifies is the body saying �Stop�,  � Stop the abuse on the body�, �Stop ignoring the warning signs�, �Stop the poisoning of the body�. It is a  physical, psychological,  emotional, mental ( dare I say spiritual) �Stop sign�.

To cure cancer, ( I am referring to alternative treatment and am not referring to the �Chemo train�), the body needs to rebalanced, on all levels, physical, psychological, emotional, mental and spiritual.  ( I would add here, that anyone who knows me just a little bit, is likely to either have just fallen of his / her chair laughing or they might think that I am officially losing the plot!!)  Me talking about the Spirit!

The �easy win� is my diet, I am back on, after 10days of �unhealthy� and fun eating and drinking. Hard initially, but fine now. One of the main objectives is to detox the body. In the past, I had thought, not drinking wine for a couple of days, was a great detox for my body���� clearly that was wrong.  The �Toxins� are the enemy.
I was not aware that even long term stress and negative emotional trauma can produce toxins in our body.

I had been reading about the amazing health benefits of TUMERIC, amongst which research suggests that apart from fighting inflammation, help in controlling blood sugar levels  and many other benefits, it also helps in fighting existing cancer cells.

Narelle, a lovely lady, who is my kind of woman, gave me a large jar of Turmerix yesterday, which was so kind and I really appreciate it. So for now, I will have to pretend that I am eating a curry every night. It definitely does not work well with muesli, believe me! Great with turkey or fish and chicken of course. I stopped eating chicken, after seeing the most horrendous �undercover� video on what happens in some of the chicken farms in Spain.  Particularly when I look at my chicks, ( I am turning into the mad woman on a mountain clearly), who I believe to be bright intelligent birds. But, anyone who eats chicken, can add Tumeric easily, chicken curry of sorts!

Furthermore, I now have 2% Quark with Linseed oil. Trust me, a great mixture to give to anyone you don�t like. It is only acceptable if you add, nuts, honey, fruit, then it becomes quite acceptable. The Linseed oil is based on Dr. Johanna Budwig� reaseach.

Why Turmeric is the "Perfect Painkiller" and Fights Inflammation

Turmeric has been proven to reduce or eliminate pain better than leading prescription medications. 1

A 2004 study published in the journal Oncogene
2 found that components of turmeric were effective alternatives to the drugs aspirin, ibuprofen, sulindac, phenylbutazone, naproxen and diclofenac,
to name a few.

The reason is because turmeric doesn�t just fight pain and inflammation, it does so much more.
How can one little root do so much?
Most researchers agree that the turmeric�s profound healing abilities can
be traced to its powerful anti-inflammatory action.
Full-spectrum turmeric (as opposed to an isolated curcumin extract) is especially effective because it operates by both mechanisms of anti-inflammatory action.
Most inflammatory foods, working in one of the following ways...
1. They neutralize inflammation causing free radicals in the body with a flood of antioxidants or
2. They stop the body from producing the chemicals that initiate inflammation in the first place (this is how aspirin and OTC pain meds work)
What is unique about turmeric is that it combats inflammation through both of these mechanisms.... simultaneously! Its multi-pronged approach allows it to work wonders for aches, pains, and arthritis
(by stopping inflammation at the source), while also strongly supporting the immune system with antioxidants.
And because nearly all diseases and ailments can be traced back to inflammation and oxidative stress�it seem like there�s almost nothing that turmeric can�t heal.
But not all forms of turmeric are created equal�
Most of the turmeric supplements you see in stores come in the form of encapsulated powders. The truth is with turmeric powder you may be
getting very little actual benefit.
Turmeric powder has a fairly low bioavailability (meaning that a good portion of it isn�t properly absorbed by your body), it often isn�t very fresh, and it�s sometimes made with harsh processes that can destroy or degrade turmeric�s healthful components.
Because turmeric is hard to absorb, it must be formulated in a certain way allowing the body to absorb and utilize its entire spectrum of nutrients.
1. Analgesic Efficacy and Safety of Curcuminoids in Clinical Practice: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials: Pain Med. 2015 Dec 14. Epub 2015 Dec 14. PMID: 268142592. Green Med Info:
3. Zingiberaceae extracts for pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis: Nutr J. 2015 ;14:50. Epub 2015 May 14. PMID: 25972154

Tuesday, 4 October 2016


I know I had a busy 10 days, with the wedding etc., but did I harm my body that much??

Today, I went to the Budwig Centre in Malaga. The centre for 'alternative cancer treatment'. They quote that they 'treat the cause and not the symptom'.

I have bought the Linseed oil and Quark, to take on a daily basis. Having undergone a 'VEGA test' , I was told that there appears to be a tumor in my liver and my lower pancreas.
I was told to avoid red wine ( contrary to earlier information given to me), Gluten, Mild, Coffee, Prawns.......... I can do all of that. I will take the supplements they gave me ( a long list of supplements) ............ but, for now the 'tumor news' is on my mind. Much against my belief, I will ask for a PET scan to follow this one up.

If they are correct in their findings, then I am pretty impressed and I guess I need to do some more research as to what happens next.

If they are wrong, at least I will sleep better, knowing that..............

It is strange, if I had heard what I heard today, 3 months ago, I think I would be pretty upset tonight. Having said that, I feel numb, not upset, obviously not happy, but pretty calm. It feels like another hurdle to get over.
I will ask for a PET scan the 19 October, when I see the oncologist again, and by the end this month, I will know what I am dealing with, if anything. I mean apart from the 'cancer stuff' I knew I was dealing with this morning.

It did make me smile though, to think I have thrown myself in alternative treatment, with the hope that I will kill any stray cancer cells, when by the sound of it, I have a couple of little tumors growing inside me nicely, just ready to change into cancer tumors. Who was I kidding? Right?

Let's hope I won't regret not following the chemo train. At least in the case of death, I could  have blamed the oncologists, but now................ I can only blame myself.

Very interesting and I thought, very heartening to hear was the following: The tumors ( in my liver and the pancreas), which according to the doctor, Kathy, is not cancerous at the moment, is likely to have been caused by the one and only chemo session. If this is correct, then I was right in everything I feared about having chemo. Just a shame that I got myself pressured into having one chemo session..........

Well' I will find out and then deal with it! In the meantime I am now back to healthy food. I can honestly say, I loved the 10 days of eating and drinking. I loved the wine, the baguettes, she beautiful Cabra cheese, the lamp chops........... the choccies Robyn and Craig brought over............... and so much more. I loved it all. But, this was then, now is now, can't wait for my Quark / linseed oil mix, followed by veggies and fruit............