Thursday, 20 October 2016

More options

True to Spanish form, it took some days for me to receive a reply from the Cellumed High Clinic in Estepona. 

A clinic dealing with alternative treatment for cancer patients. I have in the past read a lot about Hyperthermia and have been looking for a clinic in Spain who offer this therapy. Huffeland in German were offering it, which is how I first learned about it.
According to research and publication on the success rate, this treatment seems to be very positive, highly effective, with no side effects or long term effects, like Chemo.

What is hyperthermia?Hyperthermia (also called thermal therapy or thermotherapy) is a type of cancer treatment in which body tissue is exposed to high temperatures (up to 113�F). Research has shown that high temperatures can damage and kill cancer cells, usually with minimal injury to normal tissues (1). By killing cancer cells and damaging proteins and structures within cells (2), hyperthermia may shrink tumors.

The Cellumed High Clinic offer 'Nanothermia', which is very similar and having watched a UTUBE video, :  - I am going to make an appointment to meet with the doctor. Logically it makes sense and I can see why this therapy should / could work. As I have nothing to lose ( other than money! No idea what this will cost), I am keen to give it a go. Not that I am looking forward to being heated up like a fried hamburger, but, if it kills cancer cells ( which according to the other clinic, Budwig Centre, I might have in my liver and pancreas, which incidentally I simply refuse to believe), then let's switch this machine on and fry these suckers dead!

On another note, I have found an ingenious way ( at least I think so) to taking the vile tasting CB oil.
Take a paracetamol in your hand (solvable capsule), gently pull the tablet apart and let the medical content wash down the sink, then fill it ( not totally, too much, don't want to be dizzy and nauseous, and then take with glass of water! Bingo, no vile taste, no after taste and the same result.

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