Saturday, 27 August 2016 the mountains and the mind

Maybe ' insightful' , 'deep', 'thought provoking', 'educational'.... And that would only scratch the surface, when trying to summarise my trip to Mallorca.

I met 'Achim's double, Klaus, who refers to himself as a �spiritual healer�. 
Apart from him growing exotic plants I have never heard of ( nor have I heard of their healing powers), his approach to life and attitude to sickness in particular cancer, is on another level from many. 
His belief is, that if our body produces cancer then our body can heal cancer. Interesting approach. He refers to Stress and stressful situation, which if not managed effectively weaken the immune system, which is when cancer cells can turn, as the body is not strong enough to fight it off. ( My summary, his explanation was put much more eloquently than this)

Over the recent months I have been mentally going through the top stressful events in my (our) life, surmising that these past events were to blame for my cancer. I think it is only normal to wonder 'why me?', even though there is no answer. 

I am sure these situations are called 'life�, but the trick is how to deal with it.I clearly have always thrown myself into every challenge head on, in the belief, it has to be solved, addressed and sorted. I guess it is the way I let it affect me, even if subconsciously.

Fantastic really, I honestly see this cancer as a 'wake up' call.

So how does a body cure itself of cancer, if this is possible?
I have narrowed it down to a view points, as a result of now being in touch with countless people, doctors ( both 'medical' doctors as well as 'alternative doctors, who left their official career path in order to pursue the 'alternative methods', cancer patients, family of cancer patients who are helping with treatment.
The overwhelming view from so many basically boils it down to Cannabis oil and Bi-carbonate soda. Both can easily be used at home. I am opting for both on the basis that I have nothing to lose, other than my life !

Even, Cancer Research UK
are not dismissing the benefits of Cannabinoids, although they are also referring to 'man made' Cannabinoids. I don't understand why anyone would look into manufacturing synthetic Cannabinoid, when many people could just plant one in their garden.
Interesting to note, if you walk through Frigiliana, you can see how many people grow a plant in their flower pots. Although I guess these are grown to smoke, rather than to make the oil. Who knows.

Dr. Simoncini  and Italian Oncologist, from Rome,
has been treating cancer patients successfully for years, by recommending them to drink Bi-carbonate soda. He believes that Cancer is a fungus, which can grow when in an acidic environment, when the immune system is weakened. Bi-cardonate soda, helps alkalizing the body. It is as ever amazing to learn on how the authorities have tried to 'throw the book' at Dr Simoncini and tried stopping him from treating patients ( successfully!)

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