Onto the next question.
I guess most People would just �do the right thing and follow doctors� orders / recommendation�. Until quite recently I had accepted that I would start Radiotherapy, but now having spent more time researching and reading up on it, I am not so sure.
I have an appointment tomorrow with a radiologist, with the aim of starting next week������..
Damage Caused by Radiation Therapy Cancer Treatments
Radiation therapy for cancer causes nerve damage (resulting in numbness and pain). Radiation to the head and neck area can damage the glands, causing throat and mouth sores. Radiation to the stomach or pelvis can damage the intestines. Radiation also limits reconstructive options for breast cancer, and can cause significant damage to the heart, lungs or any other organ nearby. It also causes second cancers.
Can radiotherapy actually cause cancer?
It is well known that radiation is a risk factor to developing certain cancers. Some people are concerned that radiotherapy treatment for a cancer may itself cause a second cancer. However, a research study has provided some reassuring results. The study looked at over 640,000 cancer patients who had been treated with radiotherapy. The study concluded that, on average, about 5 in 1,000 people who had undergone radiotherapy treatment developed a subsequent cancer within 15 years as a result of the radiotherapy. The risk varied somewhat, depending on which part of the body was treated
So as I understand it, Herceptin which I am currently being given, can cause heart problems including heart attack, which is why I have been told that I should not undertake any exercise at the moment. I have got my head around that and am prepared to take that risk.
However, now reading on a variety of other websites, including �breastcancer.org�
( http://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/side_effects/heart_probs), I read that Radiotherapy can also cause �heart problems�.
Therefore I am wondering how clever it would be to have Herceptin pumped into my veins at the same time as radiotherapy. Double stress being put on the heart!? Surely that is not very clever?
I have a list of questions for the Radiologist tomorrow and will then decide what to do.
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