Sunday, 14 August 2016

On your bike!...............

My brother Torsten had sent me a very interesting link regarding a trial carried out in Australia.

In fact the research results are apparently �ground breaking�, in that cancer patients, are put on an exercise regime, whilst they are going through Chemotherapy treatment.  The brains behind this trial is Professor Robert Newton.

Prof Robert Newton
A lot of our research is actually driven by the oncologists, because they're right working with the patients and they see what's happening. And they came to us and said, "Look, why are we actually waiting until these patients are SO deconditioned and they're feeling SO unwell, and then we try and rehabilitate them? Wouldn't it be a way better, much more effective approach if we actually intervene with the exercise at the same time that they commence their therapy?"
We now have a growing number of research studies showing that if people hit a certain level of physical activity - which is relatively modest, to be honest - then they'll more than double their chances of surviving their cancer. In other words, they halve their risk of dying.

A fascinating interview to watch, if you have cancer, I guess.
So with this in mind, I put on my shorts this morning and went cycling. Now that might not sound like anything special, but to those who know where we live, I would like some appreciation please. Just getting to the main road is like climbing then north face of the Eiger! Having said that, I managed 30 minutes of slog. To think we used to own a gym and I was ( guess still am, but somewhat redundant / retired) a qualified spinning instructor, then today�s performance was a total disgrace in terms of achievements. But, then again, I have an excuse, as today was the first time in a very long time I did any kind of serious exercise.

I fully intend to do this again and if I manage it might just do it regularly. With every pedal push, I kept thinking that 'I will beat this thing�. I was so happy  it wasn't sunny!!

 An electric bike seems very appealing right now. Will get onto google, researching this one now. After all, it would be criminal if I was to die of a heart attack whilst battling with these  hills here in order to fight cancer!

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