Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Googled out!

An interesting day. I had my blood test today, ready for tomorrow�s first session of Herceptin. I had pushed the Oncologist to also include testing my PH level, which he reluctantly did, with the words   �it will be fine, as your kidney will balance it out�.

I love the word �interesting�, as interestingly enough, my PH appeared to be fine, but all sub 'points / categories', none of which I understood, were way of the scale. Where the norm said between 50-80, mine was 17��. I wish now I had paid more (any!) attention during my Chemistry class. Googling �pCO2, p02, HC03, ABE and a few more abbreviations was �interesting�.  I did find out that my �oxygen� in my blood is low. Very low. 

Picking up the blood results, coincided with a phone call from the Hufeland clinc, Dr Dermuth. Initially I thought he called to talk me out of having Herceptin and to convince me into flying to Germany tomorrow, which I was scheduled to do tomorrow.
I could not have been more mistaken.  He called, following my email informing him that I was not coming tomorrow, (but later this year), to find out what my plans were. He fully supported me starting Herceptin and told me that he too could administer it and would be able to treat me (building up my immune system, which also included oxygenation of the blood) whilst having the Herceptin treatment.  What strange timing again!  I also thought how kind, I have got so used to pushing doctors and demanding information, that he took me by surprise.
I will see how tomorrow goes and will then make a plan when to fly to Germany over the next few weeks.

Regarding the oxygenation of blood, I had not really looked into this in too much detail, although I had come across it, but now having received my blood test results, this was truly strange timing! Dr Dermuth can help me.

The Oxygen Cancer Connection
Dr. Otto Warburg, 1931 Nobel prize winner, discovered a close connection between oxygen and cancer. His studies showed that the primary cause of cancer is directly related to oxygen-deprived cells. In fact, he found that cancer cells are anaerobic and actually thrive in an oxygen-deficient environment.
Warburg also discovered that a slightly alkaline pH in the body meant higher levels of oxygen uptake. These days, having a low blood oxygen level is a normal clinical finding for people with chronic diseases.


Also this afternoon, I contacted the doctor, Klaus,  (Dolly�s doctor in Mallorca) to talk to him about cannabis oil. I had a great conversation with him and am now considering flying to Mallorca next week, to understand more about it.
That does depend though on whether or not I will be feeling like a dying dog after tomorrow or not and if so, for how long.

I am prepared though, Rhea has sent me travel sickness band to wear on the wrist and I have a cupboard full of ginger nut biscuits (any excuse), so bring it on, I am as ready as I can be. 

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